The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here's a link to the Magazine
If you'd like to donate $15 to your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
If you'd like to donate $15 to your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
United against dengue
Meeting of the Municipal Committee for Security in Health
Todos contra el dengue
Se reúne el Comité Municipal para la Seguridad en Salud
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de junio.- See the translation below in the City section
Expecting to be included in the Virtual Map: Promotion by OVC
Se espera inclusión en el Mapa Virtual
Que promueve la OVC
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de julio.-
The municipal director of tourism, Gustavo Rodríguez Orozco, said this Virtual Map project is creating virtual tours of tourist destinations in the state of Quintana Roo, which should include photos of Isla Mujeres. The project began in Puerto Morelos and the Ruta de los Cenotes in Tulum & Playa del Carmen, and is now coming to Isla Mujeres, with the goal of expanding the technological tools used by the OVC (Convention and Visitors Bureau in Cancun) for the promotion of tourism throughout the state.
He has met with the staff in charge of collecting images for this project, and expects to be downloading images of the attractions of this holiday destination. He said, "With this application the OVC seeks to maximize their use of technological tools for promotion with minimal investment, because only a single payment of 1500-3000 pesos is required, which will provide access to tourists, giving information to them, with images of businesses at this destination.
This program can be viewed at , but at this time there is no option to view photos of Isla Mujeres. Once the project is realized, you will be able to take a tour of the best sights of the island, with a 360 degree viewpoint.
Currently there is a virtual tour of Puerto Morelos and the Route of the Cenotes, which began in the second half of last year, allowing tourists to take tours by land, air, and under water of the attractions and infrastructure of that destination, in a 360 degree format. Now the program includes footage of nearly 20 hotels in Cancun and Puerto Morelos, as well as attractions located along the Route of the Cenotes, the beaches, and the reefs of the area.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
Acabemos con los mosquitos que producen el Dengue, el Paludismo y otras peligrosas enfermedades. #ComunidadEnAcción
Preventing the mosquitoes who produce the dengue, malaria and other dangerous diseases.
Everyone working together against mosquitoes that transmit diseases
Segunda Reunión Ordinaria del Comité Municipal para la Seguridad en
Salud 2015
This morning
the second regular meeting of the Municipal Committee for Security
in Health 2015 was held, with participation by the responsible institutions of government, by public organizations, and by
private and social groups associated with health issues.
They met in the City Council room on Wednesday morning, where opening remarks were given by Dr. Antonio Ríos Chale, the alderman who is president of the Health Commission. He recognized the work, dedication and professionalism of everyone involved in the elimination of mosquitoes transmitting viral diseases.
Rosalia de la Peña gave a presentation about a new condition called Zika fever, which is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, belonging to the flavivirus family. The municipal Director of Health, Tarhin Vital Casique, was in attendance and he spoke on behalf of the Mayor. He said that among governmental institutions, and public, private & social organizations, there must be ongoing effective coordination, which also contributes to promoting a healthy municipality.
He reported that since the beginning of the current administration, they have worked at prevention, but despite these actions, mosquitoes have continued to exist as a vector. During the meeting, they discussed and approved the agreements and commitments for the prevention and control of diseases of Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika fever and malaria.
Six points were presented:
Continuation of the program "Healthy Environments" to encourage public participation in the identification and destruction of breeding sites in homes, schools, and parks.
Ensure the realization of ongoing descacharrización (junk removal) programs.
Ensure the promotion and dissemination in the media of measures against mosquitoes that transmit dengue, chikungunya, Zika fever and malaria.
The City will review and implement the legal measures to ensure cleanliness in high-risk areas of properties where vectors breed, including vacant and abandoned properties.
Ensure notification by both governmental and private medical facilities for epidemiological awareness and surveillance, as well as feedback on the outcome of the cases and the results of the actions that were taken.
Ensure that samples (Gota Gruesa) are taken from all patients with fevers who come in for consultations, as well as monitoring vectors for study, and feedback on the results of epidemiological interventions.
Epidemiologist Wiliam Saury Gutiérrez attended to represent Dr. Jorge Gutiérrez, who is Director of Sanitary District #2, and he spoke about the social importance of preventative measures. He concluded by saying, "We still do not have chikungunya, malaria or Zika fever, but we have the vector, and that is why we have this committee".
They met in the City Council room on Wednesday morning, where opening remarks were given by Dr. Antonio Ríos Chale, the alderman who is president of the Health Commission. He recognized the work, dedication and professionalism of everyone involved in the elimination of mosquitoes transmitting viral diseases.
Rosalia de la Peña gave a presentation about a new condition called Zika fever, which is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, belonging to the flavivirus family. The municipal Director of Health, Tarhin Vital Casique, was in attendance and he spoke on behalf of the Mayor. He said that among governmental institutions, and public, private & social organizations, there must be ongoing effective coordination, which also contributes to promoting a healthy municipality.
He reported that since the beginning of the current administration, they have worked at prevention, but despite these actions, mosquitoes have continued to exist as a vector. During the meeting, they discussed and approved the agreements and commitments for the prevention and control of diseases of Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika fever and malaria.
Six points were presented:
Continuation of the program "Healthy Environments" to encourage public participation in the identification and destruction of breeding sites in homes, schools, and parks.
Ensure the realization of ongoing descacharrización (junk removal) programs.
Ensure the promotion and dissemination in the media of measures against mosquitoes that transmit dengue, chikungunya, Zika fever and malaria.
The City will review and implement the legal measures to ensure cleanliness in high-risk areas of properties where vectors breed, including vacant and abandoned properties.
Ensure notification by both governmental and private medical facilities for epidemiological awareness and surveillance, as well as feedback on the outcome of the cases and the results of the actions that were taken.
Ensure that samples (Gota Gruesa) are taken from all patients with fevers who come in for consultations, as well as monitoring vectors for study, and feedback on the results of epidemiological interventions.
Epidemiologist Wiliam Saury Gutiérrez attended to represent Dr. Jorge Gutiérrez, who is Director of Sanitary District #2, and he spoke about the social importance of preventative measures. He concluded by saying, "We still do not have chikungunya, malaria or Zika fever, but we have the vector, and that is why we have this committee".
link to Quequi;s Isla Mujeres articles
Habrá ‘cero tolerancia’ a menores infractores
0 09 de julio de 2015 By Carlos Gasca
Serán consignados a la agencia del Ministerio Público Especializado en Adolecentes.
They will be consigned to the Public Ministry Specializing in Adolescents.
The tranquility of the island must be assured, and for this reason he urged parents to take care of their sons and daughters, because if they are caught committing acts of vandalism, they will be transferred to the Public Prosecutor's Adolescent Division.
Regarding minors, according to current state and federal laws, heavy sanctions cannot be applied to them like adults, so they always feel somehow protected, but according to the Public Prosecutor's Adolescent Division, if they have committed serious crimes, when they reach the age of adulthood, they are transferred to the Centro de Reinserción Social to serve the rest of their sentence.
From Tvisla Mujeres (You can join this fb page at this link)
The Virtual Map project currently being promoted by Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) of Cancún could also include pictures of Isla Mujeres, as part of a virtual tour.
El proyecto del Mapa Virtual que actualmente promueve la Oficina de Visitantes y Convenciones (OVC) de Cancún podría incluir también imágenes de Isla Mujeres, todo esto a través de un recorrido turístico virtual.…/isla-mujeres-podria-ser-…/
El ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres convocó esta mañana a locatarios del mercado “Javier Rojo Gómez” para tratar varios temas, entre ellos los cambios y mejoras realizados al inmueble, pero también el tema de la deuda que arrastran varios de ellos.…/locatarios-del-mercado-j…/
This morning the City Isla Mujeres met with the tenants of the market "Javier Rojo Gómez" to address several issues, including the changes and improvements made to the property, but also the issue of debt that is dragging down (? que arrastran) several of them.
Joaquín Poot Acosta, Director General de Seguridad Pública de Isla Mujeres advirtió que habrá cero tolerancia a menores infractores y aclaró que a pesar de su corta edad, estos podrían ser detenidos y trasladados a la fiscalía Especializada en Adolescentes.…/habra-cero-tolerancia-a-…/
Joaquín Poot Acosta, Director of Public Security (Chief of Police) warned that there will be zero tolerance for minors committing crimes and he said that despite their young age they will be arrested and transported to the attorney specializing in adolescents.
From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Four children attacked by pitbull in schoolyard
Pitbull ataca a cuatro menores.. [+] Ver mas
An angry pitbull, freed from his enclosed area, entered the nearby campus of a grade school where classes were about to begin, and attacked four students, including a second grader who suffered a dozen bites, according the school director, Cristina Medina Figueroa.
The incident occurred on Tuesday before 7am, when the animal walked in through the gate on the northern side of the primary school "Cesar Mendoza Santana" and began to chase the children, advancing toward the basketball court. The child who suffered the worst injuries was in the landscaped area at the front of the school.
Several parents were able to free her from the dog, which was captured later and turned over to the Department of Ecology, who will apply the law to determine responsibility for this incident, said Sra Medina Figueroa.
The four children were taken to the General Hospital "“José de Jesús Lima Gutiérrez” and the dog's owner will be required to cover the expenses, whose amount was not released. The girl who suffered the worst had injuries to her forearm and right arm, as well as her right thigh & leg. The Director said, "The little girl could have suffered worse consequences, but she was able to protect herself with her forearm, in this unfortunate attack. The others had lacerations to their feet and one had a scrape on their abdomen from the teeth.
The owner of the pitbull has been identified as having the name "Gabriel", who lives in colonia Meteorologico, on the coastal road, about 400 meters from the campus. The school director said, "Although he refused to acknowledge that he was the dog's owner, this was investigated shortly after the attack, and I understand that the medical expenses of the children will be covered." She is aware of the procedures about this because she was the Director of Ecology, and this is why she now requests that the animal advocates (at CCDA) increase their campaigns for public awareness to prevent such events from recurring. This is not the first time that dogs have entered the school.
Some of the parents who witnessed the attack have asked that authorities and agencies consider offering psychological treatment to the children to avoid psychological consequences for them.
Concerns about changes at the Mercado
Modificación de mercado provoca inquietud .. [+] Ver mas
Tenants of the downtown municipal market “Javier Rojo Gómez” met with the municipal General Secretary, César Poot Pérez, to discuss their concerns about the City's plans to modify their concession contracts. The original contracts were established during the administration of Jorge Martínez Peña (1999-2002), when the market was remodeled.
At various times the tenants have said there is a need for adequate signage downtown to bring tourists back to the market, because they face strong competition from convenience stores and informal vendors, and this has not been resolved. They asked Sr. Poot Pérez to have work done on the drainage system to resolve the problem of flooding that frequently occurs. Rafael Garcia Vazquez, general secretary of the Mercado Tenants Union,confirmed that the authorities intend to modify the concession contracts. He was accompanied by most of the 29 tenant at the meeting where they discussed concerns about a possible debt for the tenants to the municipality, as well as seeking an estimate on the total amount needed to cover everything and that this would analyzed by the City Council members to endorse the agreement. Unofficial sources say this plan could be applied to the other mercado, "Magana Audomaro".
Sr Rafael Garcia confirmed that the authorities should respond in upcoming days in regard to the restructuring of the concession, as well as estimating the debt for the 29 storekeepers. (la reestructuración de la concesión así como sobre la estimación del supuesto adeudo que mantienen los 29 locatarios.)
The delays in the renovation work of the two parking lots at the market have caused general discontentment, because the construction has reduced the number of customers. The works should be completed in the next few days.
Young vandals cause fear in colonia Canotal
Niños vándalos causan terror en Cañotal+] Ver mas
Residents of the colonias of Cañotal and Miraflores, near the walking path around Salina Grande lake, are concerned after a group of about twenty children injured a man trying to stop the harassment of his son when he walks thru the area. The incident occurred on Monday at 11pm, and the father, Enrique Ortega Rodríguez, suffered injuries to his head and body.
When neighbors were asked about the incident, one responded, "These are young delinquents who began hanging around in recent weeks, in two opposing groups, using stones to defend their areas." A resident who witnessed the incident said, "They came armed with sticks and stones, and one of them was carrying a rifle, but I don't know if it was a prop (toy) gun or a pellet gun, but they all crowded around to attack Sr. Ortega Rodriguez."
Among the members of the two groups are children 8, 9, and 10 years of age, according to reports, who may already be using marijuana and other drugs. There are children of grade school age smoking marijuana along the pathway, and for this reason it becomes dangerous for neighborhood children to use this route, which links the colonias.
María Asunción Quiñones Castro held a child in her arms as she spoke about hearing scandalous sounds and insults at midnight or 1am, along 7th Street, which connects with the walkway. She said her garage was invaded the other night, and when stones hit the house, she was afraid the windows would be broken. "The police come, but later the youngsters return, so that now I don't know what is going on around the house," said the woman who wants measures to be taken to bring peace back to the neighborhood.
Sra. Sara Mijangos Gallegos said the stones flying thru the air at night are causing fearfulness, the vocabularies of the children are full of obscenities, and her youngest child was offered marijuana to smoke for free. She said that for these reasons, more officers are needed at night for protection. A neighbor who lives in front of the mercado on the corner of 7th street said his water pipe was broken, and is still dripping after the repair.
Several residents declined to give their names, but said they have already signed a petition requesting that authorities intervene to protect this area of the colonias and asking the municipal government to fulfill its responsibilities. They said, "We are organizing to address this problem." On social networks, comments have "rained down" on the mayor, alleging passivity.
An angry pitbull, freed from his enclosed area, entered the nearby campus of a grade school where classes were about to begin, and attacked four students, including a second grader who suffered a dozen bites, according the school director, Cristina Medina Figueroa.
The incident occurred on Tuesday before 7am, when the animal walked in through the gate on the northern side of the primary school "Cesar Mendoza Santana" and began to chase the children, advancing toward the basketball court. The child who suffered the worst injuries was in the landscaped area at the front of the school.
Several parents were able to free her from the dog, which was captured later and turned over to the Department of Ecology, who will apply the law to determine responsibility for this incident, said Sra Medina Figueroa.
The four children were taken to the General Hospital "“José de Jesús Lima Gutiérrez” and the dog's owner will be required to cover the expenses, whose amount was not released. The girl who suffered the worst had injuries to her forearm and right arm, as well as her right thigh & leg. The Director said, "The little girl could have suffered worse consequences, but she was able to protect herself with her forearm, in this unfortunate attack. The others had lacerations to their feet and one had a scrape on their abdomen from the teeth.
The owner of the pitbull has been identified as having the name "Gabriel", who lives in colonia Meteorologico, on the coastal road, about 400 meters from the campus. The school director said, "Although he refused to acknowledge that he was the dog's owner, this was investigated shortly after the attack, and I understand that the medical expenses of the children will be covered." She is aware of the procedures about this because she was the Director of Ecology, and this is why she now requests that the animal advocates (at CCDA) increase their campaigns for public awareness to prevent such events from recurring. This is not the first time that dogs have entered the school.
Some of the parents who witnessed the attack have asked that authorities and agencies consider offering psychological treatment to the children to avoid psychological consequences for them.
Concerns about changes at the Mercado
Modificación de mercado provoca inquietud .. [+] Ver mas
Tenants of the downtown municipal market “Javier Rojo Gómez” met with the municipal General Secretary, César Poot Pérez, to discuss their concerns about the City's plans to modify their concession contracts. The original contracts were established during the administration of Jorge Martínez Peña (1999-2002), when the market was remodeled.
At various times the tenants have said there is a need for adequate signage downtown to bring tourists back to the market, because they face strong competition from convenience stores and informal vendors, and this has not been resolved. They asked Sr. Poot Pérez to have work done on the drainage system to resolve the problem of flooding that frequently occurs. Rafael Garcia Vazquez, general secretary of the Mercado Tenants Union,confirmed that the authorities intend to modify the concession contracts. He was accompanied by most of the 29 tenant at the meeting where they discussed concerns about a possible debt for the tenants to the municipality, as well as seeking an estimate on the total amount needed to cover everything and that this would analyzed by the City Council members to endorse the agreement. Unofficial sources say this plan could be applied to the other mercado, "Magana Audomaro".
Sr Rafael Garcia confirmed that the authorities should respond in upcoming days in regard to the restructuring of the concession, as well as estimating the debt for the 29 storekeepers. (la reestructuración de la concesión así como sobre la estimación del supuesto adeudo que mantienen los 29 locatarios.)
The delays in the renovation work of the two parking lots at the market have caused general discontentment, because the construction has reduced the number of customers. The works should be completed in the next few days.
Young vandals cause fear in colonia Canotal
Niños vándalos causan terror en Cañotal+] Ver mas
Residents of the colonias of Cañotal and Miraflores, near the walking path around Salina Grande lake, are concerned after a group of about twenty children injured a man trying to stop the harassment of his son when he walks thru the area. The incident occurred on Monday at 11pm, and the father, Enrique Ortega Rodríguez, suffered injuries to his head and body.
When neighbors were asked about the incident, one responded, "These are young delinquents who began hanging around in recent weeks, in two opposing groups, using stones to defend their areas." A resident who witnessed the incident said, "They came armed with sticks and stones, and one of them was carrying a rifle, but I don't know if it was a prop (toy) gun or a pellet gun, but they all crowded around to attack Sr. Ortega Rodriguez."
Among the members of the two groups are children 8, 9, and 10 years of age, according to reports, who may already be using marijuana and other drugs. There are children of grade school age smoking marijuana along the pathway, and for this reason it becomes dangerous for neighborhood children to use this route, which links the colonias.
María Asunción Quiñones Castro held a child in her arms as she spoke about hearing scandalous sounds and insults at midnight or 1am, along 7th Street, which connects with the walkway. She said her garage was invaded the other night, and when stones hit the house, she was afraid the windows would be broken. "The police come, but later the youngsters return, so that now I don't know what is going on around the house," said the woman who wants measures to be taken to bring peace back to the neighborhood.
Sra. Sara Mijangos Gallegos said the stones flying thru the air at night are causing fearfulness, the vocabularies of the children are full of obscenities, and her youngest child was offered marijuana to smoke for free. She said that for these reasons, more officers are needed at night for protection. A neighbor who lives in front of the mercado on the corner of 7th street said his water pipe was broken, and is still dripping after the repair.
Several residents declined to give their names, but said they have already signed a petition requesting that authorities intervene to protect this area of the colonias and asking the municipal government to fulfill its responsibilities. They said, "We are organizing to address this problem." On social networks, comments have "rained down" on the mayor, alleging passivity.
View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe,, Bahama Mama, Brisas or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
Sunset ~7:30
Moonrise over the Caribbean
July 1 6:40
July 2 7:35
July 3 8:30
July 4 9:25
July 5 10:17
July 6 11:06
July 7 11:54
July 1 (In Canada) Canada Day
July 2 Blue Flag raising event at Posada del Mar beach
July 2 at 7:45pm on the Town Square. Danzarte Isla Mujeres 2015.
July 4 US Independence Day Probably celebrated at bars where English is often spoken
July 4, Saturday, 10:30a Tee Ball game for children age 3-7 at El Pescador baseball stadium (in front of Chedrui)
July 5, Sunday, Poc Na Reggae concert
July 10, Friday, PRI Barracuda Fishing Tournament Welcome Cocktail Party at Posada del Mar palapa restaurant
July 11, Saturday, 8am Barracuda Fishing Tournament at the pier of the cooperative Caribe. Motorcycles for the first three winners and 7 cash prizes. Registration is 800 pesos.
July 11, Saturday, Isla to Isla Open Water Swimming Event to arrive at Posada del Mar beach. Followed by samples of seafood from local restaurants
July 18, Saturday to July 24, Friday- Whale Shark Festival
July 18 Anniversary of the death of President Benito Juarez (March 21, 1806 to July 18, 1872)
July 30 Anniversary of the death of Miguel Hidalgo (May 8, 1753 to July 31, 1811)
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Isla Animals: Vet clinic at Mundaca Hacienda
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Items for Little Yellow School House, Moto Helmets for kids...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
For donations to Zapatos Para Los Ninos.. please contact Greg at, or find them on Facebook at "Shoes For The Children."
Limited Time Opportunity during month of JULY! Donor will match your funds to sponsor a student in the Isla Mujeres Scholarship Program -
We are excited to announce that a very generous anonymous donor has agreed to do a second round of fund matching for the 2015/16 school year!
We are excited to announce that a very generous anonymous donor has agreed to do a second round of fund matching for the 2015/16 school year!
*Any one time donation in July (from anyone, including current sponsors).
new sponsors who join/pledge in the month of July for a one year sponsorship
(does not have to be paid all at once)
*Any current sponsor who increases their monthly dollar amount beginning in July
*Any current sponsor who increases their monthly dollar amount beginning in July
new funds as listed above will be matched dollar for dollar with the money
going to the 'General Slush Fund' of the program. This fund is available to be
used by any student for needs such as graduation expenses, licensing, field
trips, books, or other extra needs that are approved by the sponsors. The funds
can also be used to help with monthly expenses for any student, as needed.
suggest that sponsors join at $30 or $55 level per month.
Our program has been
going now for 10 years and we have many successful college graduates who would
not have had the opportunity to finish high school without support. If you have
been thinking about joining, now is a great time!
more information about the students whom need additional sponsors or general
information please email
Miguel's schedule (may need updating):
Sunday: The Sol Rockers @ El Patio 9p - 11p
Monday: Miguel solo @ El Patio 6:30p - 8:30p
Tuesday: La Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio 9:15p - 11:15p
Wednesday: The Sol Rockers@ El Patio 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Thursday: Miguel Solo @ el Patio 6p - 8p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Friday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
Saturday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
John Cain's schedule (Updated June 1)
Sunday & Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm El Patio Sol Rockers
Thursday Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
Saturday. El Patio solo 630-830
Sunday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Monday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Miguel 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Tuesday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Ryan Rickman 7-9:30, Banda sin Nombre 9:30-11:30
Wednesday Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30, Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Thursday Closed for the month of June
Friday Ryan Rickman 7-9:30, Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Saturday John Cain 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Fenix ~2p~5p Live music at the beach in the afternoons on Sundays. Salsa, Cumbia, Cuban music. Update July 4: Music Fri, Sat, Sun. ~2p & weekdays usually, except Mondays
Bahia Tortuga John Cain on Thursdays and Lara on Mondays...~7p (Updated June 1)
You may find live music at night on Hidalgo
Fayne's: 10:30-12 (see above)
La Terraza: ~10-12
Morgan's: Between 7 & 11 (see above)
El Patio (see above)
Poc Na Hostel: Starting ~10p to late
Veradara's Cuban restaurant Saturdays ~3p Cuban music
Poc Na Thursdays
Discontinued for low season
No Artists Fairs since April, scheduled to resume in November
Artist Fairs on the Town Square, usually first Thursday, 4p-9p ~Nov-April.
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