The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here's a link to the Magazine
If you'd like to donate $15 to your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
If you'd like to donate $15 to your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
Worked continuously to de-silt the storm drains with severe flooding
Trabajan sin descanso por severas inundaciones
En desazolve de alcantarillas
Lanrry PARRAISLA MUJERES, 14 de junio. Leer más... Various points in Isla Mujeres experienced severe flooding after more than 36 hours of heavy rains were recorded since yesterday morning. The
staff of Civil Protection were mobilized to de-silt and unblock storm drains and grates. The flooding affected traffic with some areas becoming to deep to transverse for many types of vehicles. There were comments on social networks about the accumulations of water at the baseball fiels El Pescador, on Rueda Medina, and on Hidalgo. There were unofficial reports of flooding of three homes, and that there were some moored boats that were swamped by the rain accumulating inside of them. The rains are expected to continue until tomorrow, and the staff of Civil Protection will be ready during the night to respond to any possible flooding of homes and flooding at various parts of the island. (Note on Monday morning....the rain has stopped and the flooding is resolved...tho the baseball field still has standing water.)
Captain ordered the port closed for general navigation
Cut off from the mainland
No hay comunicación vía marítima
Capitanía ordena cierre general de puerto
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de junio.-
It is noted that before the general suspension of navigation, both passenger ferry companies had suspended at least two trips yesterday. The Harbor Master confirmed the General port closure at 12L30 and said that by 7am tomorrow the intensity of the winds and rains should have subsided and should allow the operation of the ferries.
The ferries suspended their services after the early hours when they prepared to make their first crossings, but the intensity of the winds forced them to cancel the departures. There was at least one crossing cancelled on Saturday, due to the weather.
Concern at "La Lomita" over deterioration of anti-hurricane wall
Temor en “La Lomita”
Por deterioro del muro de contención para contrarrestar efectos meteorológicos
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de junio.-
Residents who live in the
downtown area known as "La Lomita" are concerned about deterioration of
the anti-hurricane wall in their area and the 'gabions' (rock filed
'cages') in front of them which have fallen apart. They are concerned
that they won't be adequately protected if there is a hurricane.
Rain paralyzes activities
Flooding reported in various colonias
Lluvias paralizan las actividades
Reportan encharcamientos en diversas colonias
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de junio.-
Heavy rains stopped activities
for the second time this week, which the port authorities say are
forecast to continue through Sunday
Cabalgante riders keep their promise to the Sacred Heart of Jesus church
Cabalgantes cumplen promesa
A la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de junio.-
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
~11am today:
Important Notice regarding Port operations: Closed to boats under 40 feet, as well as for tours to Isla Contoy, for sport fishing, for fishing ribereña, and to the whale sharks. Tours to El Farito are suspended until further notice. For boats over 40 feet; they are authorized to cross over to the island, but without additional activities such as snorkeling, diving, or para-sailing w the spinaker.
Aviso importante.
Condiciones de operación del puerto:
Se mantiene el puerto cerrado a embarcaciones menores de 40 pies.
Al igual que cruces a Isla Contóy, pesca deportiva, tiburón ballena y pesca ribereña.
El Farito continúa suspendido hasta nuevo aviso
Para las embarcaciones mayores de 40 pies, sólo está autorizado el cruce a la isla sin actividades adicionales como snorquel, buceo y spinaker.
El Farito continúa suspendido hasta nuevo aviso
Para las embarcaciones mayores de 40 pies, sólo está autorizado el cruce a la isla sin actividades adicionales como snorquel, buceo y spinaker.
Classes are not suspended in Quintana Roo, despite information to the contrary on social networks.
*Las versiones que circulan en redes sobre una suspensión de clases son falsas, aclara José Alberto Alonso Ovando
CANCUN, Quintana Roo, 14 de junio.— La Secretaría de Educación y Cultura informó que NO se ha dispuesto la suspensión de clase en las escuelas de Quintana Roo y desmintió las versiones que circulan en redes sociales en sentido contrario, información que asentó, es totalmente falsa
Dijo que hasta este momento
no hay ninguna recomendación del Consejo Estatal de Protección Civil, ni
de la Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil para que la SEyC ordene
la suspensión de clases, por lo que, hasta este momento las actividades
escolares en todo el Estado serán normales.
Desmintió las versiones que circulan en redes sociales en el sentido que se suspendieron las clases en todo el Estado, y dijo que esta información está siendo enviada dolosamente para causar confusión, por lo que exhortó a los padres de familias, maestros y alumnos a hacerle caso omiso.
—La instancia que puede suspender las actividades escolares es la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura, previa valoración de las recomendaciones de protección civil, hasta ahora no tenemos esa recomendación, y por lo tanto no se ha ordenado ninguna suspensión de labores para mañana, por lo que se tendrán labores normales en todos los planteles del Estado —puntualizó José Alberto Alonso Ovando.
Desmintió las versiones que circulan en redes sociales en el sentido que se suspendieron las clases en todo el Estado, y dijo que esta información está siendo enviada dolosamente para causar confusión, por lo que exhortó a los padres de familias, maestros y alumnos a hacerle caso omiso.
—La instancia que puede suspender las actividades escolares es la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura, previa valoración de las recomendaciones de protección civil, hasta ahora no tenemos esa recomendación, y por lo tanto no se ha ordenado ninguna suspensión de labores para mañana, por lo que se tendrán labores normales en todos los planteles del Estado —puntualizó José Alberto Alonso Ovando.
Weather bulletin (I'm not translating this since it is outdaed.)
Boletín meteorológico.
*Se espera una temperatura máxima de 30 grados centígrados y mínima de 23. La sensación térmica será de 31
CHETUMAL, Quintana Roo, 13 de junio.— Canal de baja presión (vaguada)
en la Península de Yucatán, continúa con movimiento lento al noroeste,
en su circulación periférica impulsa aire marítimo tropical con moderado
contenido de humedad, ocasiona nubosidad y lluvias con chubascos
acompañados de actividad eléctrica aislada en el Estado, informó Jaime
Villasano Espejo, meteorólogo de la Coordinación estatal de Protección
Por su parte, la onda tropical número 5, ubicada en el Mar Caribe, al suroeste de la Isla de Jamaica y hasta el este de Panamá, se mueve al oeste y ocasiona nubosidad y lluvias sobre su área de influencia; no presenta condiciones favorables de evolucionar en un sistema tropical, de acuerdo al Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Miami, Florida, E.U.A.
Asimismo, la onda tropical número 6, localizada también en el Mar Caribe, al sureste de la Isla de Puerto Rico y hasta el este de Venezuela, se mueve al oeste, provoca nubosidad y lluvias sobre su área de influencia, pero tampoco presenta condiciones favorables de evolucionar en un sistema tropical, según información del Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Miami, Florida, E.U.A.
El clima probable para los municipios de Benito Juárez, Lázaro Cárdenas, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Solidaridad y Tulum será de cielo nublado con lluvias, acompañadas de actividad eléctrica, viento fresco del este y sureste de entre 25 y 35 kilómetros por hora y rachas de hasta 50 kilómetros por hora.
Para José María Morelos, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Othón P. Blanco y Bacalar se espera cielo nublado, lluvias con actividad eléctrica, viento fresco del este y sureste de entre 25 y 35 kilómetros por hora y rachas de hasta 50 kilómetros por hora.
Se pronostica una temperatura máxima de 30 grados centígrados y mínima de 23; la sensación térmica será de 31.
Por su parte, la onda tropical número 5, ubicada en el Mar Caribe, al suroeste de la Isla de Jamaica y hasta el este de Panamá, se mueve al oeste y ocasiona nubosidad y lluvias sobre su área de influencia; no presenta condiciones favorables de evolucionar en un sistema tropical, de acuerdo al Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Miami, Florida, E.U.A.
Asimismo, la onda tropical número 6, localizada también en el Mar Caribe, al sureste de la Isla de Puerto Rico y hasta el este de Venezuela, se mueve al oeste, provoca nubosidad y lluvias sobre su área de influencia, pero tampoco presenta condiciones favorables de evolucionar en un sistema tropical, según información del Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Miami, Florida, E.U.A.
El clima probable para los municipios de Benito Juárez, Lázaro Cárdenas, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Solidaridad y Tulum será de cielo nublado con lluvias, acompañadas de actividad eléctrica, viento fresco del este y sureste de entre 25 y 35 kilómetros por hora y rachas de hasta 50 kilómetros por hora.
Para José María Morelos, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Othón P. Blanco y Bacalar se espera cielo nublado, lluvias con actividad eléctrica, viento fresco del este y sureste de entre 25 y 35 kilómetros por hora y rachas de hasta 50 kilómetros por hora.
Se pronostica una temperatura máxima de 30 grados centígrados y mínima de 23; la sensación térmica será de 31.
The municipal Civil Protection agency of Isla Mujeres released this weather bulletin for the upcoming hours
La Dirección de Protección Civil del Municipio de Isla Mujeres, comparte el boletín meteorológico para las siguientes horas.
Important advisory: The last cruise from Isla Mujeres to Puerto Juarez today will be at 9pm and service will be resumed after the next bulletin.
Posted ~8p Saturday....
Aviso importante, el último cruce de Isla Mujeres a Puerto Juárez será hoy a las 9 de la noche reanudándose el servicio hasta nuevo aviso.
Always attentive to the needs of the community in extraordinary situations due to the rain, there were brigades providing necessary services.
Siempre atentos a atender a la población en caso de situaciones extraordinarias por las lluvias, nos ocupamos de realizar las brigadas pertinentes.
With an attitude of anticipation and prevention, in recent days the storm drains have been cleaned and desilted in various locations around the isle.
Con anticipación y bajo el lema de la cultura de la prevención, nos encargamos durante los días previos, de la limpieza y desazolve de alcantarillas de diferentes rumbos de la ínsula.
link to Quequi;s Isla Mujeres articles
Amenaza desbordar Salina Grande
0 15 de junio de 2015
Suspension of crossings
Suspenden las corridas
0 15 de junio de 2015By Carlos Gasca
Turistas quedan atrapados en la terminal marítima de la ínsula.
Dozens of domestic and foreign tourists were trapped at the Maritime Terminal, when the Port Authority suspended all trips due to strong winds gusting up to 75 kph. The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonazalez Gil, said that althought the port was closed to general navigation in the afternoon, Ultramar had offered hourly crossings in the morning. Their last trip was at 12:30pm when the port was closed, leaving a long line of passengers waiting to board.
There was a similar occurence at the cargo ferry where vehicles were loaded on boatd, awaiting authorization to depart, but this never came due to the strong winds that occurred.
0 comentarios Leer toda la noticiaDozens of domestic and foreign tourists were trapped at the Maritime Terminal, when the Port Authority suspended all trips due to strong winds gusting up to 75 kph. The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonazalez Gil, said that althought the port was closed to general navigation in the afternoon, Ultramar had offered hourly crossings in the morning. Their last trip was at 12:30pm when the port was closed, leaving a long line of passengers waiting to board.
There was a similar occurence at the cargo ferry where vehicles were loaded on boatd, awaiting authorization to depart, but this never came due to the strong winds that occurred.
Port remains closed
Continúa cerrado el puerto
0 14 de junio de 2015 By Carlos Gasca
Suspenden cruces por fuertes ráfagas. Cargo ferrt crossings were suspended at 1pm due to gusting winds -
Rain causes flooding in streets
Desquician lluvias las calles
0 14 de junio de 2015 By Carlos Gasca
From Tvisla Mujeres (You can join this fb page at this link)
Ferries are operating normally however restrictions continue for small boats
Servicios náuticos de ruta ya operan con normalidad, sin embargo, continua restricción a la navegación menor
Gov. Borge advises there is NO suspension of classes, contrary to information of social networks.
#Aviso: El Gobernador @betoborge informa que NO habrá suspensión de clases, desmintiendo la información que ha sido divulgada en redes.
Despite the recommendations, many boats were damaged as a result of heavy rains in IslaMujeres
Pese a las recomendaciones, muchas embarcaciones sufrieron daños a consecuencia de las fuertes lluvias en IslaMujeres
The continuous rains again caused havoc in the streets and avenues of Isla Mujeres, particularly those areas that suffer flooding year after year with heavy rainfall.…/proteccion-civil-vigila-…/
Las constantes lluvias nuevamente provocaron estragos en calles y avenidas de Isla mujeres, principalmente aquellas zonas inundables que año con año sufren a consecuencia de las precipitaciones pluviales.
Youths respond enthusiastically to the conference Friday night by Gabriel Wabi about responsible use of social media.
La noche de este viernes tuvo lugar una...
National weather advisory posted by CONAGUA
Retweeted CONAGUA Clima (@conagua_clima):
#Aviso de pronóstico nacional a corto plazo de las 21 h
#Aviso de pronóstico nacional a corto plazo de las 21 h
Mujeres. -A pesar de las constantes lluvias, este sábado se llevó a
cabo a la Primera Gran Cabalgata de Isla Mujeres, con dos horas atraso
en la hora de salida prevista pare...
Even in the rain, riders made the first Cabalgata Ride of Isla MujeresIsla Mujeres. -Even Though the rain was continuous, on Saturday the First Grand
Cabalgata Parade of Isla Mujeres was held, with two hours delay in the scheduled departure
time ..
Bad weather suspended ferry crossings to Isla Mujeres with gusts up to 55 kilometers per hour and sustained winds of 45 kilometers per hour.....
Ráfagas de hasta 55 kilómetros por hora y vientos sostenidos de 45 kilómetros por hora, obligaron a...
Amanece Isla Mujeres con cierre de puerto GENERAL (Para todo tipo de embarcaciones); incluyendo Transbordadores
Area of instability with strong rains affects five states
Zona de inestabilidad afectará con lluvias fuertes a cinco estados
Zona de inestabilidad afectará con lluvias fuertes a cinco estados
Fishermen are urged to maintain constant viligance on their boats to avoid having them swamped by the rain
Exhortan a pescadores de #IslaMujeres a vigilar constantemente sus embarcaciones para evitar hundimiento por lluvias
Ultramar authorized to operate; leaving Isla Mujeres every hour and medias from Gran Puerto
Autorizan operaciones a la empresa Ultramar; Salidas cada hora desde Isla Mujeres y medias desde Gran Puerto
Yesterday ~11am
IslaBlanca ferry was about to set sail on its first crossing but strong winds put a stop to its operation!
Transbordador IslaBlanca se disponía a zarpar en su primer cruce pero fuertes vientos han frenado su operación!
Yesterday ~10amUltramar crossing suspended until further notice. Harbor Master maintains restriction for general navigation (all boats).
#DeUltimaHora Ultramar suspende cruces hasta nuevo aviso! Capitania mantiene restricción a la navegación en general!
Noti Isla Mujeres (you can join this page on FB at this link)
From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Chaos in the city
Caos en la ciudad. [+] Ver mas
There was flooding on several downtown streets, including Juarez where some families were concerned that if it continued the water may come into their homes. People also expressed concerns about loss of income. Streets experiencing flooding included Rueda Medina, Nicolas Bravo, Hidalgo, Abasolo, and Madero.
The Teyer family on Madero said they awoke to 15 centimeters of water in the street outside, and every time a vehicle passed out front, water would enter their home.Some business owners are considering cooperating together to submit a letter to the City asking that this problem be addressed, which represents bad publicity for Isla Mujeres.
Concern about a section of anti-hurricane wall
Aviso sobre la debilidad del muro. [+] Ver mas
There is concern over the area located near the Aguakan pump, near the courthouse Juzgado Mixto de Primera Instancia, where the wall was rebuilt after Hurricane Wilma. There is concern that if a Hurricane as strong as Gilberto in 1988 occurs that this and other sections of the wall may not provide adequate protection.
Concern over raising water levels in the lakes
Alarma por crecimiento de las Salinas.. [+] Ver mas
Conference about responsible use of social networks
Conferencia sobre uso responsable de redes sociales .. [+] Ver mas
Conferencia sobre uso responsable de redes sociales .. [+] Ver mas
Neither rain nor winds stopped the cabalgata
Ni lluvia ni vientos detuvieron la cabalgata [+] Ver mas
Rain returned to flood low areas
Lluvias volvieron a inundar confluencia baja [+] Ver mas
View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bufalo, Bahama Mama, Compadres Barbacoa or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
June Events
Sunrise ~6:05a
Sunset ~7:25p
Moonrise over the Caribbean
June 1 6:40
June 2 7:35
June 3 8:30
June 4 9:25
June 5 10:17
June 6 11:06
June 7 11:54
In the US, June is Caribbean-American Heritage month. Link.
In the US, June is also National Oceans Month Link.
June has the longest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere,
June 1, Monday Dia de la Marina..Navy Day
10am Ceremonies at Naval base plaza.
10:40 Boats depart for ceremonial placing of wreath on the waters of the Bay commemorating those who died in service.
The first and last Ultramar ferries are cancelled.
The cargo ferry is running fewer crossings. (Departing the island at 06:00, 09:30, 12:45, 16:15 and 19:15; and departing Punta Sam at, 07:15, 11:00, 14:45, 17:30 and 20:15.)
June 4 Thursday Corpus Christi...a religious holiday
June 5, Friday World Environmental Day
Town Square 9a-noon First Isla Mujeres Environmental Fair 2015
The Navy will have a booth showing their diving equipment as well as their rescue program to combat pollution at sea, and a conference that is open to the public entitled "Mangroves".
The CFE (Federal Electrical Commission) will have a exhibition of various ways to produce electricity, aimed at grade school children.
The Human Rights Commission will have a booth and the state Director will inaugurate the fair, with the Mayor.
The labor union CROC is supplying volunteers and had donated ornamental plants, to be used for reforestation.
The DIF is participating and will be giving away discs showing how to conserve water.
Aguakan will have a booth, who often work with NGO's.
The Maritime Terminal is organizing a Drawing Contest titled "A Child's View of Caring for Nature" ( “la mirada de los niños en cuidado de la naturaleza”), and the ferry company will be responsible for the prizes.
The Veterinary Clinic of Isla Mujeres (La Clínica Veterinaria de Isla Mujeres AC) will have animals available for adoption and materials available about pet care.
The Tortugranja (Turtle Farm) will have a booth about the work they do as programs for reproduction and care for sea turtles.
The Municipal Ecology department are actively participating and will have a booth featuring the actions of their agency in favor of ecology.
The NGO Green Patrol/Paturlla Verde will present photographs from 15 years of educational work on the island.
June 7, Sunday Election Day (for Federal legislators) Restriction of sale of alcohol to go and in some local bars. Alcohol has been sold in tourist bar-restaurants during past elections.
June 8, Monday World Ocean's Day Link
You are invited to a Dance Workshop of Caribbean Rhythms, starting June 8th at the Mundaca Hacienda Palapa. 20 pesos. For more information contact the Cultural department 877 0767
June 13, Saturday 10am or 11am 1st Gran Cabalgata (Mounted Parade) on Rueda Medina, from downtown in front of the Ferry Terminal along Rueda Medina until the Unidad Deprotiva (colonia Salina Chica?), where they will go toward Jesus Martinez Ross Avenue, then to the intersection of Paseo de los Peces in colonia La Gloria and over to the coastal road, to the southern part of the isle, stopping at the paths (dirt roads) in that area. After the horses drink water, they will take the same route back north to the chapel La Guadalupe and then gather at the El Pescador ballbark.(in front of Cheraui) The procession is expected to take about three hours. There will be a special brigade to remove the feces, and there will be collaboration with the Traffic police and Civil Protection to ensure a safe event. There will be entertainment at the park until 7pm, including the band "Laguna Verde". A donation of 20 pesos will contribute to the fund for the construction of a seminary being built in Bonfil.
The procession will include riders from Tizimín, Kantunilkín, Valladolid, Cancún and Isla Mujeres. Rain is forecast for Saturday, which could cancel the event.
June 13, Saturday API pier or Magana (wooden) pier Submarine tours begin in Isla Mujeres 300 pesos "Discover the sea without even getting wet while enjoying a drink & appreciating the seabed of our beloved island. For all ages. 9841762052 Gabriel." (From Merca Isla on FB)
June 17-21 Brazos Abiertos (Open Arms) Seventh Annual Isla Mujeres HIV Testing, Sexual Education, and Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Campaign
LINK to information & opportunity to donate
June 21, Sunday Summer solstice
Father's Day
June 26 & 27, Friday & Saturday Women's Fishing Tournament. La Dorada, Organized by DIF. More than 500,000 pesos in prizes. Entry fee 3000 pesos
June 27, Saturday Noche de Estrellas
Thursdays at 8:30p Magic show at Poc Na see poster
Fridays Artes en Todas Partes events TBA
Discontinued for low season
No Artists Fairs since April, scheduled to resume in November
July 11 Isla to Isla Open Water Swimming Event to arrive at Posada del Mar beach. Followed by samples of seafood from local restaurants
Saturday, July 18 to Friday, July 24- Whale Shark Festival
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Isla Animals: Vet clinic at Mundaca Hacienda
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Items for Little Yellow School House, Moto Helmets for kids...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
For donations to Zapatos Para Los Ninos.. please contact Greg at, or find them on Facebook at "Shoes For The Children."
Miguel's schedule (may need updating):
Sunday: The Sol Rockers @ El Patio 9p - 11p
Monday: Miguel solo @ El Patio 6:30p - 8:30p
Tuesday: La Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio 9:15p - 11:15p
Wednesday: The Sol Rockers@ El Patio 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Thursday: Miguel Solo @ el Patio 6p - 8p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Friday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
Saturday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
John Cain's schedule (Updated June 1)
Sunday & Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm El Patio Sol Rockers
Thursday Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
Saturday. El Patio solo 630-830
Sunday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Monday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Miguel 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Tuesday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Ryan Rickman 7-9:30, Banda sin Nombre 9:30-11:30
Wednesday Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30, Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Thursday Closed for the month of June
Friday Ryan Rickman 7-9:30, Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Saturday John Cain 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Fenix ~2p~5p Live music at the beach in the afternoons on Sundays. Salsa, Cumbia, Cuban music. Update June 13: Music Fri, Sat, Sun. ~2p.
Bahia Tortuga John Cain on Thursdays and Lara on Mondays...~7p (Updated June 1)
You may find live music at night on Hidalgo
Fayne's: 10:30-12 (see above)
La Terraza: ~10-12
Morgan's: Between 7 & 11 (see above)
El Patio (see above)
Poc Na Hostel: Starting ~10p to late
Veradara's Cuban restaurant Saturdays ~3p Cuban music
Artist Fairs on the Town Square, usually first Thursday, 4p-9p ~Nov-April.
Now the City is having Arte en Todas Partes events on Fridays.
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