Here's the webcam LINK, which also has time lapse of the past 24 hours. |
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ultramar passenger ferry schedule as of today, Monday March 23
From the State Health Dept as of 6pm March 22, the results from laboratory tests are that there have been 12 positives, 32 under study and 65 negatives. The positives are all in social isolation and consist of 5 Mexicans, 1 foreign resident of Cancun and 6 foreigners, aged 17-71, of whom 10 are in Benito Juarez (Cancun) and 2 are in Solidaridad.
From the City....
The City has not let down its guard and has been carrying out preventative actions including an intense informational campaign for the population with visits to businesses, sanitizing vehicles entering the island and public transportation vehicles, sanitizing stores like Chedraui, and implementing medical screening at the ports.
The City has been following the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization) the SSP (Secretary of Public Health) and the advice of the state government. The Mayor spoke about the importance of citizen participation to avoid its spread and eventual arrival, which include following the recommendations of the SSP about frequent hand washing, covering when coughing or sneezing, and staying home if it isn't necessary to go out.
For those who must leave their homes for necessary reasons, the buses will continue to run during their normal hours (6a-10p), with scheduled disinfecting procedures, on the four routes with these changes in frequency:
Colonia Route #1 & #2--Normal frequency of departures from the Convention Center
Sac Bajo Route #3--Reduced to 1 bus per hour
Punta Sur Route #4--Departs the Convention Center every 30 minutes
The State government confirmed that the first person who tested positive for Covid-19, who is an Italian woman residing in Cancun and the only one who was hospitalized, was discharged from the hospital and is continuing the process of recovery in social isolation LINK
Today (Monday) the Isla Mujeres Community Hospital will implement External Triage screening outside the hospital to identify people with symptoms of Covid-19, and any suspicious cases will go to the Respiratory Care & Isolation Office (CAAR), where a test will be taken and management will take place in accordance with the patient's condition.
Adults who come to the hospital will be required to enter unaccompanied, and only one companion will be allowed for minors, seniors, and those with different abilities. The Hospital Director requested that people not saturate the health services because it is evident that a COVID-19 case could appear at any time. LINK
On Sunday, the owner of a small business, Luis González and his wife Daranee Patrón, distributed face masks, gloves, and sanitizing gel to cabbies, porters, trash collectors and others at risk of encountering the virus and becoming infected or becoming carriers. They did this at no cost and without political motivation, and received recognition from the taxi drivers. They will continue this activity on Playa Centro on Monday from 10a to 12p and at 6p at the dome in colonia La Gloria for people who really need the products and failed to purchase them.
There are concerns that the the ferry companies do not have signs instructing passengers to have two empty seats between them, and to maintain a meter of separation. Passengers say Ultramar has reduced the number of crossing for economic reasons, but are giving the impression that they want to fill the boats, without concern for the safety of the passengers. Residents want the health authorities and the port authorities to review this situation, to enforce the recommendations of the three levels of government. Islanders say this isn't a problem on the Ultracarga because drivers can stay in their vehicles.
It is noted that most families are taking the recommendations seriously and staying home, however it has been observed that with the bars, discos and other businesses being closed, young people, particularly, are gathering together in their homes, which is another situation that should be checked, and sanctions should be imposed upon those who don't respect the official recommendations, according to La Tertulia, because we are all at risk.
The Hospital Director advised pregnant women to only visit the hospital if they are having symptoms of problems (symptoms are listed),. Pregnant patients who have not had their vaccines against tetanus or influenza can be attended to at the External Vaccination Module that will be installed beside the front door of the hospital. Other advice is given.
March 21--Pedro Padilla was among the patients at the Community Hospital after being bitten by a dog, but after a long delay, apparently due to a lack of staff, he left to look for another alternative. He complained about the delay, noting that because it is a hospital, with more than three people in one place, this represents a serious risk for everyone present during these times of the coronavirus pandemic.
From Por Esto :
Support for entrepreneurs
March 22 The municipal government will provide discounts on operating licenses and has suspended inspection activities during this health contingency. The Mayor said that as of this weekend no suspected cases of COVID-19 have been detected on the island, but it is important to promote public awareness and fumigate all vehicles entering the island. He advised everyone to stay calm and to make plans to face this contingency responsible. He emphasized prevention measures and the care of older adults (especially those with other health problems) and children at home. He said the personnel in the medical units have been trained to properly attend to those suspected of carrying the virus and the hospitals and clinics are ready to take responsibility.
He said adequate sanitizing gel has been provided in dispensers at the Maritime Terminal where medical screening is operating effectively and there are sufficient sinks. He said governmental offices have stopped operating so workers can go home with pay. The bars and gyms are closed to avoid people gathering in close proximity or in groups.
He urged families to cooperate with containment measures from their homes and to follow official information and avoid false news which promotes fear and anxiety. He said companies will be provided with facilitation of procedures and discounts on operating licenses, in alignment with the state government's support of entrepreneurs in order to reactivate the economy after the contingency ends. LINK
No layoffs yet, according to reports
.March 22 In the midst of the coronavirus health contingency, no unjustified dismissal of workers in the tourism industry in Isla Mujeres have been reported, according to union, business and municipal authorities. Dismissal at this time is against the Federal Labor Law, in articles 42, 42 bis and 429, section IV, which require employers to pay the minimum daily wage for up to 30 days while the health contingency is in force.
Some hotels are beginning "Solidarity Days" without pay for two days per fortnight or interspersing a day off for each day worked, so employees only receive a week's salary per two week pay period. There are some workers who have requested early vacations for several weeks or during the entire contingency, or during the Easter holiday period.
The situation is difficult for those where work for commissions, and on Saturday many had no sales or only made 100 pesos.
The labor law was modified in 2019 and says the employer “shall be obliged to pay his workers compensation equivalent to one day of the current general minimum wage for each day the suspension lasts, without exceeding one month (Article 429 section IV) ”.On the issue of health contingency, in regard to the suspension of work, Chapter III Article 42 specifies that "... are causes of temporary suspension with the obligations to provide service and pay wages, without liability for the worker and employer: Section I, refers to the contagious disease of the worker. Article 42 Bis: “in the cases in which the appropriate authorities issue a declaration of health contingency, in accordance with the applicable provisions, which implies the suspension of the work, the provisions of article 429, section IV of this Law". LINK
Isla Mujeres news briefs
March 20--All Isla Mujeres medical units have coordinated to make the population aware of the measures to be taken for the advance of the coronavirus. However, some shortcomings and deficiencies have come to light, as revealed by consumers and internal sources.
To receive potential patients, N95 face masks, protective glasses, special gowns, ventilators and adaptation of spaces are required.
The doctors and nurses of the Community Hospital recommend that the Health authorities evaluate the facility to confirm if there is an inventory of all those requirements, and that the protocols be unified for all facilities on the island, to generate confidence among the workers and the public.
Zero cases of COVID-19 have been reported at this time, and it is requested that all health agencies (IMSS, ISSSTE, Community Hospital, DIF and the Navy) make their general conditions public with their care teams, according to .personnel who were consulted.
Regarding the need for ventilators, everything seems to indicate that the Community Hospital could obtain a unit because a request has been made to China for a sufficient allocation (una dotación suficiente), according to a governmental official this morning. .
Caution advised for cargo ships during cable removal
The Navy advised the nautical community, particularly cargo ships, to exercise caution when traveling in the area 17 nautical miles east of the island where the ship MV Layla would be removing an underwater cable, and would have limited maneuverability.. The work began on Friday and was expected to take two days, removing 25 miles of cable.
The cable was installed in 1993 and went into service at the end of the following year, connecting the American continent from north to south with participation by the United States, Mexico, the Cayman Islands, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. Fifty-eight telecommunications companies from 41 countries participated in the project. The Telefónica de México consortium had a majority participation in this world telecommunications network, which had a capacity for 23,000 telephone channels and transmitted up to 90,000 simultaneous calls. It was replaced by a modern line of higher capacity.
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Four rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the upscale
neighborhood of Bachilleres,
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
![]() |
A large slider
opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table
& chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole,
and the outdoor shower is out of the pic at left. "Reverse Sunset" (looking east from MVC) |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe, Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Coco Jaguar, Manolitos, La Chatita, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui & the local craft brewery. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores.
Full moon rising over the Caribbean
![]() |
At Sunset--March 9 7:09p (sets 7:07a) March 10 8:13 March 11 9:17 March 12 10:20 March 13 11:22 This is the second of four supermoons for 2020. The Moon will be at its closest approach to the Earth while full, causing it to appear slightly larger and brighter than usual. Sunset 6:52-7:02pm (beginning vs end of month) Sunrise ~7:07-6:40am Painting by Pamela Haase at MVC |
March Events
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events
Thursday afternoons ~3p-8p Artist Fair on the Paseo de la Triguena off the Town Square at the malecon by the food trucks.
Sunday's at 1p there may be baseball games at the stadium in front of Chedraui. There are two teams, the Pescadores & the Cockteleros, who are in Category A & Category B of the same league, which is currently having the playoffs for the season championship.
Occasionally, Sunday evenings 8p on the Town Square "Noches Magicas" performances
Fishermen in this region are banned from catching grouper, lobster and octopus during March LINK
Sunday, March 1--At 1p at the Pescaodores baseball field the Isla Mujeres Pescadores will play the Rockies of Cancun, after losing the first game in their three game series in the semifinals. If the Pescadores beat the Rockies twice, they will win in Group B category of their league. The Isla Mujeres Cockteleros won the Group A category & are waiting to see who they'll play from Group B for the league championship. LINK
Thursday, March 5--There is usually a ceremony commemorating the arrival of Francisco Hernandez Cordoba in 1517, who is credited with discovering the Yucatan and what is now Mexico, after landing on Isla Mujeres. The expedition of 110 men in 3 boats sailed from Cuba and around the coast, battling with the Maya, until all but one were injured, and over 50 had died. Cordoba died after returning to Cuba.
Sunday, March 8--International Women's Day
Monday, March 9--Full Moon, which is the second of four Super Moons in 2020, meaning it is at its closest approach to the Earth while full, making it appear slightly larger and brighter than usual.
Tuesday, March 10-Civic Ceremony at 9am on the Town Square
Monday, March 16--Day off in honor of the birthday of Benito Juarez on March 21st.
Tuesday, March 17--St Patrick's Day
Wednesday March 18--Observation of Oil Expropriation Day (not an official day off--businesses & schools will be operating normally). Commemorates the nationalization of Mexico's oil fields on this date in 1938.
Thursday, March 19--Spring Equinox
Thursday, March 19--Dia de San Jose, which MAY be celebrated with a dance on the Town Square.
Tuesday, March 24-- Venus reaches its greatest eastern elongation of 46.1 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Venus since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the bright planet in the western sky after sunset. Mercury reaches its greatest western elongation of 27.8 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky. Look for the planet low in the eastern sky just before sunrise. New moon--lack of moonlight is the best time to observe galaxies & star clusters.
Friday & Saturday, March 27 & 28-- About 600 swimmers are expected to participate in the National Open Water Championship 2020 which will be held in Isla Mujeres on March 27 & 28. The winners of the 10 kilometer competition will represent Mexico in Tokyo during the pre-Olympic match for the Olympic games. The top 20 swimmers in the categories of 14-15, 16-17, and 18-19 divisions, in the categories of 5k, 7.5k and 10k will qualify for the National Conade Games 2020.
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
The buses operate from 6a to 10p. The overhead digital display indicates whether they're going to the Tourism areas or the Colonias.The bus numbers don't indicate the route, they're numbered 1 thru 10.
The main downtown stops are just south of the Maritime (Ultramar) Terminal & across the street from it. In Centro, the buses stay on Medina, except they turn around near the Convention Center, behind the downtown Mercado. Outside of town, there are no designated stops & you flag them. Exit thru the back door, first pushing the red button nearby so the driver knows to stop.
Pay the driver 38 pesos/$2usd (or $9/175p for an all day pass). The front seats are for seniors, disabled & pregnant women. The 32 passenger buses have air conditioning & security cameras. (State residents pay 10p, INAPAM card holders & local students pay 5p.) LINK to bus company page on FB.

Route 1 goes down the western side on Rueda Medina and returns northward on the east side via Jesus Martinez Ross. Its west-east transit is Paseo de los Peces in colonia La Gloria.
Route 2 goes down the eastern side on Jesus Martinez Ross and returns northward on the west side via Medina. Its east-west transit is also Paseo Peces.
Routes #1 & #2 aren't exact opposites.
#1 takes J.M. Ross northward all the way from Peces to downtown, traveling thru Salina Chica,
#2 going southward turns left/east just before Salina Chica, leaving JM Ross & taking the Caribe Coastal road thru Meteorologico. I've heard it turns right/west back into the colonias by Madera Food & Art.


Now the company advises riding #3 to Sac Bajo and #4 to Punta Sur.
Route 3 goes to Sac Bajo, down the western side of the isle on Medina.
(It was originally advertised as also going to Punta Sur. Then they said it only went to P.S. when that was the destination of passengers aboard, and otherwise after routing thru Sac Bajo it turned east on Paseo Peces & returned via the Caribbean Coastal road, Payo Obispo.)
Route 4 goes to Punta Sur & Garrafon down east side on the Caribbean Coastal road and returning northward on Medina to town.
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